During fall months, especially October and November, many people encounter succumb to a virus called Influenza. According to The Mayo Clinic, Influenza, also known as the flu, is “a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages”. The flu can cause a high fever, nausea, congestion, and body aches. Luckily, there is a shot that can prevent you from getting the flu. According to The Center For Disease Control, the age of the person receiving the shot can affect whether or not they get the flu. If someone who has a low immune system gets the flu shot, they are more vulnerable to getting the infection, but not as much as they were before they got the shot.

Some people do not get the flu shot, as they think it is worse for them to get the shot, then get the flu. According to Harvard Health, there are two common reasons that people do not get the flu shot, they either think it will give them the flu, or it won’t work. Neither of these reasons are accurate. When you receive the flu shot, the shot gives your body very tiny samples of the flu virus, so that your body can be prepared if you ever do get the flu. The flu virus is too weak that it can’t replicate in your body, so it dies off. For some people, there can be side effects after getting the shot. Some experience soreness at the site of the injection, which is very common, and some get a minor cold. In rare instances, some flu shots, according to Sophia Health Institute, the flu shot can cause brain inflammation and possible death. This is very uncommon as millions of people get the flu shot every year without complications, and according to The Center For Disease Control, 9 out of 10 people are protected by the flu.

“Having doubts about the flu shot is normal, but to skip the shot completely is a health concern” says Dr. Nancy Ferrari from Harvard University. Most children are afraid of needles and get scared of getting shots. A few years ago it was common for children to get the nasal vaccine for the flu. However, doctors have been reviewing this method and decided to stop using of the nasal spray, as they say it is not as effective. Harvard Health states that in 2016, which was the last year of the nose spray, only 3% of people who got the nose spray were protected, and 63% who got the nose spray got the flu. Since then, the shot has been the only effective way to get protection from the virus. While no one is required to get the shot, but most doctors recommend it. Although there is much controversy between the effectiveness of the flu shot, it is a choice that one should make considering their own health.

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