Sophie M. ’18 is the head of Hewitt’s Art Club and plans to continue creating art in the future. Sophie explains,

I started the Art Club to bring other creative Hewitt girls together from different grades to have a place to gather, to do fun art projects, and to talk about art in a relaxed environment. My main goal was to make the Art Club a place where you didn’t have to be amazing at art but passionate about it.

Sophie comes from an artistic family and uses art as a form of self-expression. Sophie finds that art is a great way to relieve stress and relax. She works with all mediums from photography to painting; her inspiration is varied from Andy Warhol to nature and history. Sophie has created her largest oil painting at Hewitt but also has incorporated art in all aspects of her daily life. She says she is “happiest viewing and creating art”. According to Sophie, art is about perpetually learning. She writes, “This summer I took an intensive drawing class at Columbia University, where I was able to study life and learned that I definitely want to continue studying art in the future”. Sophie plans to study art in college and earn a BFA, which will enable her to continue with her love of art. Congratulations on all of your amazing work Sophie!

A selection of Sophie’s work:

unnamed copy



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