Lizzie Makkos ’15 is a committed dancer who has been taking classes for years. In addition, she is a talented artist whose work can be found all around school. Lizzie’s paintings have also appeared in the Upper School art show. I was able to ask her a few questions about her artistic passions and about how she got to where she is today:

Hewitt Times: When did you first start dancing?

Lizzie Makkos: I started dancing when I was around 4 or 5 years old.

HT: What kinds of dance classes have you taken?

LM: I primarily do ballet, but I have done other types of dance, including modern/contemporary and hip-hop.

HT: How many times a week do you dance?

LM: I dance 5 times a week – every day of the week except Wednesday and Sunday.

HT: I hear you’re in the Nutcracker every year, what’s that experience like?

LM: The Nutcracker that my dance school puts on is definitely really time consuming. Rehearsals last longer than normal class hours and require more days, especially on weekends. But I’m really close to everyone, and I enjoy my time spent there.

HT: How do you find the balance between school work and dance?

LM: It can be tough finding time between dance and school work. If I didn’t continue dance classes though, I wouldn’t try as hard in school; being busy keeps me motivated.

HT: I hear you’re in Mr. Rose’s Advanced Studio Art class this year, what kinds of projects have you done so far?

LM: We have done a lot in Mr. Rose’s class. We’ve worked mostly on faces this year. We started a project on profiles, then three-quarter portraits, and now we are working on using faces in an abstract way. In about a week or two, we will begin working on our three-works project, which we do every year for the Upper School Art Show.

HT: Do you think you may pursue the arts as a career?

LM: I’ll definitely continue the arts as a hobby but not as a career.

Take a look at some of Lizzie’s artwork below:

[nggallery id=22]

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