If you’ve been hoping for the cold to disappear soon, unfortunately you’ll have to keep your now-uniform-scarves on.

To clarify, this harsh winter does not mean that global warming has disappeared. The record low temperatures and our “Dress Warm-Dress Down Day” are thanks to a distortion in the polar vortex.

The polar vortex is a cyclone of sorts – a strong area of low pressure that wanders around the Arctic during the winter. The vortex is strongest during the winter, thriving off of the surrounding cold temperatures. It normally stays consistent and does not move around much. However, something different has happened this winter. Essentially, the core of the vortex has dropped, allowing cold air to pour into the eastern part of the country. In the recent past, the vortex has actually slipped all the way down over the U.S., and this has allowed the cold air of the Arctic visit us.

What caused this distortion in the polar vortex? There is no clear reason. Alterations in the environment could have caused this phenomenon, as the atmosphere is unpredictable and constantly changing. There are also larger causes for certain gradual changes around us, such as global warming.

This has been the coldest weather in approximately twenty years. Luckily, the polar vortex is nothing permanent, so enjoy this unexpected snow day while you can. To understand more, check out this short video summarizing what is occurring with polar vortex:

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