There is an endless amount of information available regarding the tragic event that occurred on September 11, 2001, including both

Photo by Derek Jensen (Tysto): released to public domain at wikimedia commons

its aftermath and commemoration. That said, finding interesting and valuable information can be overwhelming. This reference guide is meant to aid you in this process.

Those of you in last year’s Angels and Demons Winterim class with Dr. Burgess, Mr. Gruenberg, and Mr. Joffe may remember a documentary that we began to watch. This documentary, a sort of  visual timeline, provides an interesting insight into the day itself by jumping from place to place over the course of the few hours leading up to the crash of the second tower. The film touches on some aftermath as well. You can watch the entire documentary, called ‘Inside 9/11:  Zero Hour,’ on Youtube:

Part 1-

Part 2-

Part 3-

Part 4-

In terms of pictures, here are some that I found to be the most original and interesting.

This photo gallery by TIME magazine puts together some of the most artistic and poignant photographs.

CBS has commemorated 9/11 with this comparison of photos from then and now.

This gallery, called ‘Art from the Heart,’ is a collection of tattoos people got in response to the terrible events of that day.

One of the most unique set of pictures I could find is this slideshow of items people chose to keep from the day of the attack.

To learn about ways you can commemorate 9/11, click here.

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