As a senior the last-first day of high school is exciting as is, but the first day of of the 2015-2016 school year was an unforgettable occasion for all students K-12.

The morning was just like any morning, moms and dads snapping photos of their daughters, friends embracing friends they hadn’t seen in three months, high schoolers trying to maneuver their way through the crowd of eager middle schoolers. But as the early afternoon rolled in, I realized something had changed.

Usually I would expect to hear students, including myself, complain about upcoming tests while reminiscing about the good ol’ summer days, but today I heard a sophomore say, “I’m so excited for class,” while carrying 10 pounds of textbooks; I heard an entire room of students and faculty shout girlpower; and I heard a group of juniors scream “We love you Chelsea” before her speech.

I had always believed the downside of a small single sex school was that pep rallies like the ones in High School Musical would never occur. When I walked out of town meeting at the St. Jean Baptiste church on the first day of school, I saw and heard the immense adoration that students, faculty, and staff feel about Hewitt. I realized that Hewitt’s school spirit is not doomed by small class sizes. Hewitt’s school spirit has been changed and is capable of even more.

Cheers to the exciting 2015-2016 school year!

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