Anna Mendelson ’13 and Isabella Santandreu ’13 are seated in the Rear Mezzanine of the Hewitt library. Surrounding Isabella are a Model UN meeting agenda, a LeSportsac backpack in the latest polka dot print, and an AP Human Geography textbook. Anna is frenziedly typing on her laptop while keeping her iPhone at close range. In between the two seniors sits a computer running only Google Chrome and displaying a single tab. The address bar reads:

Knowing they will be working closely over the course of the school year as co-editors-in-chief of  The Hewitt Times, they take the opportunity to get to know each other.

Isa at Pisa

Anna: So, Isabella, tell me a little bit about yourself.

Isabella: Oh please, call me Isa.

Anna: Isa? Like the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

Isabella Isa: That’s one way of thinking about it, but I prefer to compare myself to The Great Pyramids of Giza: tall, but more…straightforward.


Anna: What a resemblance. You wouldn’t also happen to be Egyptian, would you?

Isa at Giza

Isa: No, but I do come from Venezuela, Caracas to be specific. Y tu? Eres de Nueva York?

View Caracas in a larger map

Anna: Eh…Oui? I’m more crêpes than quesadillas.

Isa: Well then you must not have tried the quesadillas in the bistro. They’re so good- Hewitt Times headline worthy.

Anna: Quesadillas in a bistro? What a melting pot.

Anna notices a copy of today’s Flik lunch menu peeking out of Isabella’s backpack. “Blueberry pie” is highlighted.

Anna: You seem quite enthusiastic about food. Do you like to eat?

“Harriet the Hawk now Harriet the Bald Eagle?”

Isa: Do you like to read The Hewitt Times?

Anna: Touché.

Isa: Now it’s your turn.

Anna: Uh oh.

Isa: Tell me: what is a typical day in the life of Anna Mendelson?

Anna: Depends…Weekend? Week day? School year? Summer? During soccer season?

Isa: You ask a lot of questions, don’t you?

Anna: Yep.

Isa:  I’ll try to ask something more specific. What is your favorite type of housing tenure?

Anna: I gotta say, being a tour guide for the past three years has given me a lot of experience with Q&A sessions. And yet, I’ve never been asked that one before.

Isa: I’m sorry, I just have real estate on my mind. I recently finished a summer internship with a company that manages an online real estate marketplace.

Anna: My knowledge of you is building by the second.

Isa: Do you have any interests besides coming up with terrible puns?

Anna: Well, I too like pie. I just spell mine differently.

Isa: You like math?

Anna: You got it! You see? My remarks aren’t that re-pun-gnant.

Saving Isabella from her straightforwardness, Isabella’s sister, Emiliana Santandreu ’15, walks in the room, eager to partake in the interview.

An average Tuesday evening

Emi: What are the three words each of you would use to best describe yourself?

Anna and Isabella turn to each other and give a look of confirmation before responding in complete unison.

Anna and Isa: “The Hewitt Times.”

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