New element 114

Attempting to pronounce ununtrium (113), ununquadium (114), ununpertium (115), ununhexium (116), ununseptium (117), and ununoctium (118) has officially come to “the beginning of the end.” As of November 4th, unununium (111) was changed to Roentgerium, ununnilium (110) to darmstadtium , and ununbium (112) to copernicium. These elements’ new names are now officially recognized, and Periodic Tables everywhere will be changed.

The changing of elements 110-112 seems to have started a sort of domino effect–on December 1st, the names of two other elements were also approved for the possibility of a name change. New names for elements Ununquiadium (114) and ununhexium (116) were officially entered into IUPAC‘s (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) name approval process with the respective suggestions of  flerovium and livermoreium. Although the names are still pending approval, the public is welcome to send name suggestions until May 1st. Some fun names that have already been sent include “Tumblr” and “Unobtainium,” so think of your own unique name and send it in!

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