The Community Service Board at their assembly last week. Photographed by Ms. Dore

Last Wednesday, we were given a great presentation about the Community Service Board and the new community service blog. But some of us are still asking, “What is going on inside the board?”

Well, here is an inside view into the Community Service Board.

There are thirteen girls on the board.  The board is divided into different committees that plan future community service events for the entire school.  Each committee has its focus; some of them are Upper School Community Service Day, K-12 Initiatives, and Girl’s Education Initiatives.

One of the board’s members, Alyssa Kirschenbaum `13, told me about the committee she works in, “I am in the K-12 Initiatives committee.  Our motive is to create an environment in which the entire school works together to make a difference in the community service world.”

However, the board’s work has been going on for a long time.  Over the summer, the entire board met to change the way our school runs community service.  A major initiative that has already been created is the community service blog, thanks to which we are now able to look up community service events and print out community service forms online.  As well as adding the community service blog, the board has also changed the community service form.  The form now has a new feature: the reflection. The point of the reflection is to make the service more meaningful for those who participated in it and to provide feedback that will be used to determine whether or not that service should be recommended to other students.

Yet, this is just the beginning of what the board is going to do to improve community service at our school.

Natalie Rivera `13 explained, “The board wants to work to make community service a greater part of the Hewitt community, but the board does not want to be an exclusive group.  We want to work with our community to make service even better than it is already.”

On that note, as the board announced at the assembly that there will be meetings open to the entire Upper School community that will allow us to give them input on what we want from the board.  We should use this great new resource to make service a greater part of our community.

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