On a beautiful spring day, many of us have a craving for frozen yogurt. Frozen yogurt shops have recently been popping up on every block, making the decision of which one to go to more and more difficult. Pinkberry and 16 Handles, next door neighbors on Second Avenue between 81st and 82nd streets, are fairly new frozen yogurt companies that have become quite popular.

Pinkberry originated in California and was recently brought to New York, branching out to Mexico and the Middle East as well. In less than five years, it has made a real impact on the frozen yogurt industry and has become an iconic brand. Pinkberry is not only rated #1 in its category by Zagat, but it is also one of the top 20 social media restaurant brands in America.

16 Handles, however, claims the company represents a “hands-on revolution” because it allows its customers to have their frozen yogurt the way they want it. Their key to success is letting people self-serve from sixteen different yogurt taps (hence the name of the store) and a diverse toppings bar.

Most frozen yogurt shops are the same: there are a few fruity flavor options, of which you might choose one or two, and maybe one topping to add on top. The total cost of this light snack is usually overpriced, so it will be around $5 or $6 for a small size.

Pinkberry almost entirely resembles the stereotypical frozen yogurt shop. On the other hand, 16 Handles is original in that you do it all yourself! You are free to put as many flavors and toppings as you want in your cup, and the price of your tasty treat is based on its weight. Pinkberry has a set price for a mini, small, medium, and large. Maybe the employee swirling your yogurt that day has a light hand with the yogurt and toppings. At 16 Handles, you are really getting your money’s worth. The negative aspect of 16 Handles is that you can easily spend more than you want to without realizing it. With little self-control, your “light snack” can get  expensive really quickly.

Based on the mob scene inside 16 Handles and the very few people dining at Pinkberry after school or even on the weekends, it is evident that 16 Handles has been stealing Pinkberry’s business. The two fro-yo shops are in the perfect location to capture the attention of students because they are near many schools, making them convenient stops to grab a quick bite. Whichever you prefer, they are both great places to eat at any time of the week, ranging from an after school snack to dessert on a Saturday night date!