Spring is right around the corner, and the students at Hewitt couldn’t be more excited for spring vacation. However, before spring really arrives, there is still one monumental event that must take place:  March Exams.

Before the collective freak-out begins, take into consideration the tips below; they are sure to make exams a more pleasant experience.

1. Review your old tests
Organizing old tests can be a really helpful study technique. You should go back and correct any incorrect answers, and review the tested materiel so you can focus on what you have the most trouble with. Reviewing your old tests also gives you insight into the content of the exams.
2. Summarize your notes
Going through your old notes and summarizing the key ideas is helpful as well, especially if you are short on study time. This reinforces old information and saves you time later on when looking through your notes.
3. Get some sleep
Sleeping has been shown to help memories form, so you can forget the frantic all-nighters. Also, being fatigued while taking a test does not increase probability of answering to the best of your ability.
4. Organize your time
Just because you have a favorite subject, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t study for the class’s exam. You should review all your subjects, even if you’ve aced every test in the subject. Instead, tailor your study time so that you review all information while giving yourself extra time to master any unknown material.
According to the following chart, Hewitt students are most afraid of the history, latin, and English exams over all else.

Data nonconclusive, based purely on polled answers.