11:39 am on Sunday, October 7: Eliana Stamos ’14, Victoria Zoha ’14, Dalen Rosa ’15, Sophie Heinberg ’13, and I sit in the front row of a lecture hall on the third floor of Barnard University. The chalkboard reads, “Resolved, that ‘we’re all in this together’ is a better philosophy than ‘you’re on your own.'” Jacob Meisel, Northeast Governor, and Jordan Shenhar, Co-Director of Debate for the Empire Constitution Region, stand next to life-size cutouts of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Jacob defends the values of togetherness, nationalism, and social unity while Jordan emphasizes the importance of self-reliance. Twenty minutes of informed, fervent discourse pass before the speakers yield their time to questions. An audience member stands up: “Would you agree with the words of Zac Efron?” he holds his iPhone high and reads the lyrics off the screen, “We’re all in this together, once we know that we are, we’re all stars and we see that…” Subsequent speaker Zack Manley, who is now at the stand, asks that the boy sing the lyrics to help elucidate their meaning. And thus the audience breaks out into song. This kind of enthusiasm–the combination of intellectual spirit and impetuosity–embodies the energy of Junior Statesmen of America.


12:18 pm: The five Hewitt debaters, accompanied by Ms. Stevens, head to Pinkberry.

1:00 pm: Deluxe toppings to debate topics- we return Barnard for the next block of debates, opting to attend that with the resolved statement,”The Republican Party is more pro-Israel than the Democratic Party.” The proposition wins.


1:45 pm – 2:30 pm: The Hewitt girls, previously “all in this together,” split up. Some attend “Resolved, that social issues matter in the 2012 election,” while others weigh in on, “Resolved that negative campaigning detracts from the democratic process.”

2:35 pm: And the Presidential Debate Simulation begins…stay tuned!


UPDATE: 5:00 pm: Check out this interview with Executive Director of Debate for the Northeast State, David Cahn.

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4 Replies to “Live from JSA’s Empire Constitution Region Fall One-Day Conference”

  1. We just finished a very informative mock presidential debate. Students spoke from the perspectives of the two candidates on 15 social and economic issues, and then the audience voted on either candidate for each topic. Can’t wait to hear the results after the keynote speakers! Professor Paula Franzese and Nathan Persily are entering now…better put away the iPad!

  2. Professor Paula Franzese inspires JSAers like me to always stand up for what we believe in. We shouldn’t change what we stand for just because we are young and easily influenced by those around us.

    This was such a great speech to hear before I go to the ballet box this November and vote for the president for my first time.

    1. I too enjoyed listening to Dr. Franzese. My favorite part of her speech was the Winston Churchill quote, “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” Witty!

  3. Yes! Time to hear the results of the mock debate…

    Totals are:
    54% Barack Obama
    27% Mitt Romney
    20% Gary Johnson

    Specific statistics for each of the fifteen topics debated will be posted on the JSA Facebook page tomorrow. Until then…

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