On Tuesday May 24, 2011, Hewitt thespians filled the Charlotte Comfort Auditorium for the annual International Thespian Society’s induction ceremony.  Samantha Apfel, ITS President, introduced the evening’s program that included short scenes and songs representing different decades.  Performed by members of the society, the scenes ranged from a “Good Burger” clip from the popular 90s series All That (Rosario Ramos, Johanna Ring, Kathleen Collins, Maria Sabater) to a monologue from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (Samantha Apfel).  Alexandra Warrick and Marianelly Rios performed Super Trouper by AbbA, Warrick also sang Chicago’s I Move On with Pauline Cronin.  Zoe Stoller represented the 60s in her monologue from Up the Down Staircase while Zoe Himmel sang a heartfelt rendition of Colors of the Wind. Each actor brought their own flair to the very recognizable pieces that they performed.  Mr. Denver announced each member’s official ITS point count, with Clare accumulating a chapter high score.

The officers of 2011 passed on their duties to next year’s leaders, President Maria Sabater, Vice President Alexandra Warrick, and Treasurer Marianelly Rios.    In addition to announcing the officers, awards were given.  Best Comedic Actress went to Pauline Cronin, Best Dramatic Actress to Alexandra Warrick, and Best Techie to Johanna Ring.

In keeping with tradition, all seniors who participated in Hewitt’s theater program were called onto the stage to leave their spirits with seniors’ past as they prepared to step off the stage for the last time.