In the past, upper school plays have premiered on Fridays. This year, opening night is Thursday, October 28. This date had been set to encourage the entire student body to come out and support their classmates.

I’ll admit, if I wasn’t actually in the show, I don’t know how keen I would be to attend it. I can already imagine the magnitude of excuses being conjured up in the minds of the student body as to why you can’t make it: “I have a test,” “need to catch up on my sleep,” “family activity,” or just plain old “not interested.”

So how can I convince you otherwise? Let’s see, your peers have been working diligently on line memorization, character interpretation, blocking, and attending every rehearsal to create a show to capture the hearts and imaginations of viewers like you.

And it’s great to have school spirit and attend any school function, especially events that have required the efforts of students, faculty, and many others outside the Hewitt community.

It is very likely that you have never seen a Greek theatrical work and may not until who-knows-when, and here you have the opportunity to see a show right now at your very own school! Finally, it will be a truly thrilling performance you definitely won’t want to miss.

The bottom line: the cast agrees with Zoe Stoller who hopes “that a lot of people come to the Thursday night performance so they can see how hard we have worked on this show and how amazing it is.”

Check out the rehearsals!

Preparing for Antigone from Raina Robinson on Vimeo.