On Friday, October 8th, a beautiful, sunny fall day, the ninth grade participated in the annual biology field trip to Stamford, Connecticut.  Students enjoyed several experiences while learning about the sea creatures that inhabit the Long Island Sound and while sailing on the Sound. Leading the trip was Ms. Joan Wolf, the 9th grade biology teacher, and Sound Waters, a nonprofit organization that teaches people about the environment in a fun and interesting way. The 9th grade advisors accompanied the students for this adventure.

The trip consisted of two parts. The first part of the trip was located at the Sound Waters Center. During this time, the ninth graders looked at, touched, and learned about the adaptations of animals that live in water. Next, they learned about and observed shells and crabs near Holly Pond, which is where the Sound Waters Center is located. For the second part of the trip, the students went on an amazing three-hour boat ride on an 80 foot schooner in the Long Island Sound. On the boat, the ninth graders observed more sea creatures, learned about plankton, experimented with the water in the Sound, and discussed the importance of marshes. In addition, the students helped raise the sails and pull in the nets that were used to catch sea life for observation. This full-day trip was a meaningful and exciting experience for the ninth grade.

If these ecological and sailing experiences sound fun, here are a few options for similar outings. For an excellent ecological adventure, try the Atlantis Marine World Aquarium’s Environmental Explorer Boat Tour. This boat trip, located in Riverhead, New York, which is about an hour and a half away from Manhattan, gets you out on the Peconic River. While on the boat, you touch and learn about different sea creatures, both on the boat and on a small bay island. I highly recommend this trip, as I take it every year.

For a sailing adventure closer to home, try the Adirondack Schooner. This schooner, which departs from Chelsea Piers, explores the New York Harbor. Although I have never sailed on this boat, I have heard it is wonderful, and after being out on the schooner in Stamford, I definitely plan to take the trip this spring.